Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment in Pune, India: Symptoms & Causes

Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment in Pune, India: Symptoms & Causes


Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to liver damage, which is known as alcohol liver disease (ALD). There are various degrees of severity as well as a variety of related symptoms associated with this disorder. Addiction to alcohol impacts millions of people globally.

Alcohol use is one of the major causes behind deaths due to liver diseases because the liver is the major organ that metabolizes alcohol. Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) manifests in two forms: acute form (alcoholic hepatitis) and chronic form (steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis, and cirrhosis). The amount, pattern, and duration of alcohol consumption, the extent of liver inflammation, a person's diet, dietary habits, and genetic predisposition all affect the severity and outlook of alcohol-induced liver disease. Liver cirrhosis is linked to a significant reduction in life expectancy, complications, and death. Severe acute alcoholic hepatitis (AH) is associated with around 50% death rate.

What are the Stages of Alcoholic Liver Disease?

There are three stages of alcoholic liver disease:

  1. Alcoholic fatty liver disease: At this initial stage of Alcoholic liver disease, fat begins to build up around the liver. It can be cured by quitting alcohol consumption.
  2. Acute alcoholic hepatitis: This stage of alcohol abuse results in inflammation (swelling) of the liver. The degree of damage determines the outcome. While more severe cases of alcoholic hepatitis can result in liver failure, However, in some cases treatment can reverse the damage.
  3. Alcoholic cirrhosis: This is the most severe stage of Alcoholic liver disease. Alcohol abuse results in liver scarring at this stage where the damage is irreversible. This ultimately results in liver cirrhosis and may result in liver failure.

What are the Symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disease?

Some ALD patients don't experience any symptoms until their condition has progressed. Others begin exhibiting symptoms sooner. The symptoms of Alcoholic liver disease are associated with the stage of the disease. Some people can experience following symptoms of Alcoholic liver disease:

  • Nausea
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Increased thirst
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Weight loss
  • Swelling in the legs and abdomen
  • Skin discoloration
  • Red hands or feet
  • Dark stools
  • Fainting
  • Unusual agitation
  • Confusion
  • Mood swings
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men)

What are the options for Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment in India?

Alcoholic liver disease treatment outcomes usually depend on an individual's willingness to quit alcohol and modify their lifestyle. Following are the options for Alcoholic liver disease treatment in Pune, India:

1. Abstinence for Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment

If you refrain from drinking alcohol for a while, the damage caused by ALD can be reversed. However, this could take months or years. This is due to the fact that the only way to minimize your liver damage from getting worse and possibly even prevent fatality from liver disease is to quit drinking. It's difficult to stop drinking, particularly because 70% of ALD patients struggle with alcoholism.

2. Preventing Relapse in Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment 

You might require additional treatment after you stop drinking in order to make sure you don't pick up drinking again. Psychological therapy is typically the first course of treatment provided. This entails discussing your thoughts and feelings with a therapist and how they impact your behavior and general well-being. If sole psychological counseling is ineffective, then you might also require medication to assist with alcohol abstinence, such as:

  • Acamprosate
  • Naltrexone
  • Disulfiram

3. Nutrition in Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment

People with ALD are susceptible to malnutrition, so it's critical to maintain a balanced diet to ensure you're getting all the nutrients you require. Avoid salty foods and don't add salt to anything you eat to lower your chance of developing fluid accumulation-related swelling in your feet, legs, and abdomen. The damaged liver is not able to store glycogen, a type of carbohydrate that gives you energy in the short term. This results in muscle degeneration and weakness because the body turns to its own muscle tissue for energy in between meals. This implies that you might require a diet higher in protein and energy.

  • In between meals, you can replenish your protein and calories with a healthy snack. Eating three or four small meals a day rather than one or two large ones may also be beneficial.
  • It might be necessary to give nutrients through a feeding tube that is inserted via the nose and into the stomach in the most severe cases of malnutrition.

4. Medicines for Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment

For some patients with this disease, a specific corticosteroid therapy may be administered to decrease the liver inflammation.

5. Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment

Liver failure results from the most severe forms of ALD, in which the liver becomes incapable of functioning. Currently, the only Alcoholic liver disease treatment in India available for irreversible liver failure is a liver transplant.


Consuming alcohol in excess can lead to various consequences, one of which is liver disease. Because of its potential to cause death from liver failure, this is extremely serious when it gets advanced. Alcohol-related liver disease can reduce life expectancy. Still, abstaining from alcohol can be helpful. Malnutrition can also be managed by modifying your diet and, if necessary, taking the right supplements. If you or a loved one consumes excessive amounts of alcohol, it's not too late to make lifestyle changes. If you believe you may have a drinking problem or are at risk of liver disease, see your doctor as soon as possible. They can assist you in quitting drinking and enhancing the condition of your liver.

Get more accurate guidance and Alcoholic Liver Disease Treatment in Pune, India from Dr. Abhishek Yadav.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is it possible to get alcoholic liver disease treatment in Pune, India?
A; If a person stops drinking alcohol, the liver damage brought on by alcohol-related fatty liver disease can typically be repaired. However, fatty liver disease can worsen into alcohol-related cirrhosis or hepatitis if a person with the illness does not quit drinking.

Q2: What is the best method for liver repair?
A: Eliminating the source of the damage is the best way to repair the liver. For instance, it's crucial to give up alcohol if you have fatty liver from drinking. It's critical to eat nutritiously and reduce weight if your diet or weight are the cause.

Q3: What is the last stage of alcohol-induced liver damage?
A: The most severe and final stage of liver disease is liver cirrhosis. Liver fibrosis, or scarring of the liver, result in cirrhosis with excessive liver tissue damage. The injured liver tissue causes the scars to form. It is essentially the liver's self-repair activity to recover and survive.


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