Dr. Abhishek Yadav: Liver Transplant Surgery in Mumbai

Dr. Abhishek Yadav: Liver Transplant Surgery in Mumbai


Considering a liver transplant? Mumbai offers a top-tier option with its advanced medical facilities and experienced surgeons. This critical procedure replaces a damaged liver with a healthy donor liver to enhance the patient’s quality of life. Here’s why Mumbai stands out as a leading destination for this life-saving surgery.

Types of Liver Transplants

There are two main kinds of liver transplants.

1. Cadaveric Transplant:

This type entails receiving a liver from a deceased individual who perhaps donated his or her organs due to unfortunate circumstances such as an accident or death from an unrelated illness. The liver is then procured under strict donor and tissue matching criteria and brought to the transplant center, where it is then transplanted into the recipient. Such procedures are normally done if the liver condition is irreversibly bad or if all other procedures have failed.

2. Living Donor Transplant:

Here, a part of a liver is removed from one individual and taken from a living relative or a friend. The donor’s liver grows back as time goes by, while the recipient gets a portion of the liver to replace his or her failing organ. An important advantage of living donor transplants is the shorter time needed for a donor organ and the better results of the transplantation.

Why Mumbai for Liver Transplant Surgery?

Mumbai, as one of the most important medical tourism destinations in India, has well-equipped hospitals and highly qualified professionals to conduct liver transplant surgeries. Here’s why Mumbai is a preferred destination for liver transplants:

Experienced Surgeons: 

One of them is the specialized team of liver transplant surgeons in Mumbai, which performed a number of complicated liver surgeries. These professionals have knowledge of current methods, and last but not least, they reap positive results.

Advanced Technology: 

It also has high-quality health facilities manned by professional doctors and is well endowed with state-of-the-art equipment. Most hospitals in Mumbai have modern equipment with regard to surgical and diagnostic instruments and equipment, so as to increase the quality of services provided to patients.

Affordable Cost:

In general, it can be stated that liver transplant surgery in Mumbai is quite cheaper as compared to many of the developed Western countries.It is due to lower operational costs and a favorable cost of living. 

Cultural Familiarity:

International patients prefer Mumbai as the city provides them with an environment that is quite similar to the developed world but at the same time culturally familiar. This is because the city has diverse cultural and language services and thus helps the international patient with all his or her needs throughout the medical journey.

The liver transplant process

The liver transplant process is comprehensive and involves several key stages:


The initial process involves the assessment of the patient to find out whether he or she qualifies to receive a liver transplant. This entails taking the patient’s health history, doing a system assessment, and performing a host of tests like blood tests, imaging tests, and liver function tests, among others.


The patient is then put on a waiting list for a donor's liver once he or she is regarded as eligible for a transplant. The possibility and extent of one’s stay on the waiting list depend on issues like the medical urgency and compatibility of the organs of the donor.Som either factors affecting waiting time are patient's overall health, liver disease progression, and existing comorbidities.


The transplant surgery is a complicated process that usually takes several hours to complete. The ill liver is usually replaced by a transplant done by the surgeon, where the donor's liver is imported into the patient’s body. Surgery entails proper coordination with a lot of consideration to make the new liver implantation a success.


Later on, the patient will be in the hospital for some time recovering from the surgery. This phase entails addressing any pain that the patient might be experiencing as well as guarding against any infections that may attack the new liver and assessing whether or not the new liver is working as it should. Rehabilitation entails re-evaluation, change of behavior, and adherence to medication plans.

Risks and complications

While liver transplant surgery is generally successful, it does carry some risks and potential complications, including:


Post-surgical patients are at high risk of developing infections because of the immunosuppressive drugs that are expected to be administered to the patients to prevent rejection of the new liver.


It has side effects that include bleeding disorders that may require intervention or the prescription of other procedures.


Sometimes the body of the patient can attack the liver that was transplanted, and this calls for the immediate use of immunosuppressive drugs to counter the situation.

Kidney Problems: 

Kidneys can be affected as a result of medical effects or because of stressful surgery, depending on the patient.

Blood Clots: 

That is why patients may experience blood clots, so anticoagulants are used to avoid complications in a patient’s condition.

Despite these risks, the overall success rate of liver transplants is high, and the benefits often outweigh the potential complications.


Liver transplant surgery in Mumbai provides a viable and cost-effective option for patients with severe liver conditions. With its team of experienced surgeons, advanced medical technology, and affordable healthcare services, Mumbai stands out as a leading destination for liver transplants. If you or someone you know is considering a liver transplant, consulting with a reputable liver transplant surgeon in Mumbai will offer personalized guidance and support throughout the process. The city’s blend of world-class medical care and cultural familiarity ensures that patients receive exceptional treatment and care.

Seeking the best liver transplant surgeon in Mumbai? Look no further than Dr. Abhishek.With his extensive experience and compassionate approach, he's committed to providing you with the best possible outcomes.

Don't wait. Schedule a consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Who is eligible for a liver transplant?
A: Patients with severe liver problems who have not responded to prior therapies may be eligible for a liver transplant.

Q2. What are the two primary forms of liver transplants?

  • A cadaveric transplant is one that uses a deceased donor's liver.
  • A living donor transplant involves using a piece of a liver from a living donor, typically a relative or acquaintance.

Q3. Why select Mumbai for a liver transplant?

  • Experienced surgeons.
  • Advanced medical technology.
  • affordable cost
  • Cultural familiarity (foreign patients)

Q4. What steps are involved in the evaluation process?
A: The evaluation determines whether you're a suitable candidate. This involves a medical history, physical examination, blood testing, imaging exams, and liver function tests.

Q5. What is the wait time for a donor liver?
A: Wait times vary depending on medical urgency, blood type compatibility, and other variables.

Q6. What happens during recovery?
A: Recovery entails pain treatment, infection avoidance, monitoring of new liver function, and rehabilitation.

Q7. What are the dangers and complications?
A: Infection, bleeding, rejection, kidney damage, and blood clots are all possible concerns.


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